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Shweta R Chougule

“You do not born as a leader, Life teach you to become a leader”

The risks are huge, the stakes are high and the effect could have been, to say the least, career ending. But it will all worth it as I will back those risks with my authentic heart.

All I wanted to do was chase my dreams, my ambitions. I want to do everything in life I have trust on universe and that will guide me to move ahead.

When I fail in something that I do with all of my heart and mind, I get hurt. I huge and roll myself in it. then I cry a little, I get up and dust myself off and jump straight back again as the only way to push failure aside is to move ahead. Not to ignore it, but to analyze it.

The Road To Success Is Not Straight

No matter where I am today , is there anyone with me or not but I trust myself if my cause and intention is pure god will guide me. Who wants to really stay with me I know they will fight to stay with me in all circumstances and if they don’t want to be for any reason they will left me with no reason. I don’t have any complaints about it…..I just wish that live the life even if it’s harder….

Fight for your dreams because no one else is gonna fight for your dreams except you…

Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail… Again Rise…! Then tell me the taste of Success.

There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious …

If I know for which cause I am standing …..

I will never ever forget my roots and where i came from….

Giving Back with gratitude…..

The core of you who you are inside your values your beliefs your flaws and once you understand who really that person is you would have made taken the first step in finding your unique self and that is the best version of you most often we don’t allow ourselves the ability to dream beyond our imagination.….

Women Icon Of The Year (Entrepreneur & CEO)



Women Icon Of The Year (Entrepreneur & CEO)


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Vipassana Meditation


Every year, I do a 10-day Vipassana meditation course to transform my mental health in a spiritual way. I do Volunteering contributions to society and people's lives for their mental health and support.

Vipassana Meditation

#HealthyBrains (Community Project) #HealthyBrains is my own community project where I made a difference in the lives of more than 300 people by promoting a 10-minute meditation practice with the help of the Vipassana Meditation Center.

Woman of Excellence Award 2021


In Recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement & Contribution in Nation Building

Woman of Excellence Award 2021

In Recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement & Contribution in Nation Building

Landmark Graduate


To transform my personal and professional life, I have completed multiple courses and training programs. The most impactful was the Landmark Forum, where I successfully completed the Landmark Forum, the Advanced Forum, and the Self-Expression and Leadership Program.

Landmark Graduate

I Created


I innovated Crane Booster, a unique and revolutionary software prototype. It is India's first ERP software prototype for the crane industry, designed to manage the entire business with complete interconnectivity. It tracks and monitors crane business operations anytime, anywhere. The software has received government-authorized copyright. Access Brochure

I Created

Access Brochure


S-Candour Journey
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